
This module is open source, under GPLv3 license. Anyone who wants, passion, respect and love can contribute to this project, for himself and for all of humanity.


If you wanted to contribute to this powershell module, fork.

Star Fork


If you have found a bug or have an improvement in mind, open an issue.



Donating is important. If you do not want to do it to me, do it to some companies that do not speculate. My main activity and the people of non-profit associations is to work for others, be they male or female, religious or non-religious, white or black or yellow or red, rich and poor. The only real purpose is to serve the humanity of one’s experience. Below you will find some links to do it. Thanks a lot.

For me

For Telethon

The Telethon Foundation is a non-profit organization recognized by the Ministry of University and Scientific and Technological Research. They were born in 1990 to respond to the appeal of patients suffering from rare diseases. Come today, we are organized to dare to listen to them and answers, every day of the year.

Adopt the future