
The Database endpoint provides an interface to an entire database with in CouchDB. These are database-level, rather than document-level requests.

Connect database

To permanently connect to a database, do the following:

Connect-CouchDBDatabase -Database test -Authorization "admin:password"

and disconnect:

Disconnect-CouchDBDatabase -Database test -Authorization "admin:password"

Test a database

To verify the existence of a database.

Test-CouchDBDatabase -Database test -Authorization "admin:password"

Read a database

Gets information about the specified database.

Get-CouchDBDatabase -Database test -Authorization "admin:password"

To get alist of all databases, run this:


And if use _all_dbs view, in this table you can find all the possible parameters.

Descending Return the databases in descending order by key. Default is false.
EndKey Stop returning databases when the specified key is reached.
Limit Limit the number of the returned databases to the specified number.
Skip Skip this number of databases before starting to return the results. Default is 0.
StartKey Return databases starting with the specified key.

Create a database

Creates a new database.

New-CouchDBDatabase -Database test -Authorization "admin:password"


If we repeat the same request to CouchDB, it will response with 412 since the database already exists. If an invalid database name is supplied, CouchDB returns response with 400

Remove a database

Deletes the specified database, and all the documents and attachments contained within it.

Remove-CouchDBDatabase -Database test -Authorization "admin:password"

Copy a database

Create a new database test_copy by copying it from test database.

Copy-CouchDBDatabase -Database test -Destination test_copy -Authorization "admin:password"

Or copying local database test to a remote server.

Copy-CouchDBDatabase -RemoteServer remote_srv -Database test -RemoteAuthorization "admin:password"


Mango is a declarative JSON querying language for CouchDB databases. Mango wraps several index types, starting with the Primary Index out-of-the-box.

Get a index

To get list of index present on a database.

Get-CouchDBIndex -Database test -Authorization "admin:password"

Create a new index

Create a new index on a database.

New-CouchDBIndex -Database test -Name test-index -Fields name,surname -Authorization "admin:password"

Remove a index

Remove an existing index.

$idx = Get-CouchDBIndex -Database test -Authorization "admin:password"
Remove-CouchDBIndex -Database test -DesignDoc $idx.indexes.ddoc[1] -Name $[1] -Authorization "admin:password"


Get a list of database shards. Each shard will have its internal database range, and the nodes on which replicas of those shards are stored.

Get shards

Get a list a database shards.

Get-CouchDBDatabaseShards -Database test -Authorization "admin:password"

Get the shard document on database.

Get-CouchDBDatabaseShards -Database test -Document 00000000-1fffffff -Authorization "admin:password"

Sync shards

For the given database, force-starts internal shard synchronization for all replicas of all database shards.

Sync-CouchDBDatabaseShards -Database test -Authorization "admin:password"


To get a sorted list of changes made to documents in the database, in time order of application, can be obtained from the database’s _changes resource.

Get-CouchDBDatabaseChanges -Database test -Authorization "admin:password"


Request compaction of the specified database. Compaction can only be requested on an individual database; you cannot compact all the databases for a CouchDB instance. The compaction process runs as a background process.

Compress-CouchDBDatabase -Database test -Authorization "admin:password"

Write a commit

Commits any recent changes to the specified database to disk.

Write-CouchDBFullCommit -Database test -Authorization "admin:password"

Clear view

Removes view index files that are no longer required by CouchDB as a result of changed views within design documents.

Clear-CouchDBView -Database test -Authorization "admin:password"

Get purged info limit

Gets the current purged_infos_limit (purged documents limit) setting, the maximum number of historical purges (purged document Ids with their revisions) that can be stored in the database.

Get-CouchDBDatabasePurgedLimit -Database test -Authorization "admin:password"

Set purged info limit

Set the current purged_infos_limit (purged documents limit) setting.

Set-CouchDBDatabasePurgedLimit -Database test -Limit 1500 -Authorization "admin:password"


Working with database revisions.

Get missing revisions

Get a list of document revisions, returns the document revisions that do not exist in the database.

Get-CouchDBMissingRevision -Database test -Document "Hitchhikers" -Revision 2-7051cbe5c8faecd085a3fa619e6e6337,3-825cb35de44c433bfb2df415563a19de -Authorization "admin:password"

Get revision difference

Given a set of document/revision IDs, returns the subset of those that do not correspond to revisions stored in the database.

Get-CouchDBRevisionDifference -Database test -Document "Hitchhikers" -Revision 2-7051cbe5c8faecd085a3fa619e6e6337,3-825cb35de44c433bfb2df415563a19de -Authorization "admin:password"

Get revision limit

Gets the current revs_limit (revision limit) setting.

Get-CouchDBRevisionLimit -Database test -Authorization "admin:password"

Set revision limit

Sets the maximum number of document revisions that will be tracked by CouchDB.

Set-CouchDBRevisionLimit -Database test -Limit 1500 -Authorization "admin:password"

Export and import databases

One of the most common practices for perform backup a database is to export it. On the other hand, to restore a database, just import it.


For export a database in a json file format.


If you do not specify the path and file name, a JSON file will be saved in UTF8 format in the current path ($pwd) with this name: name-of-database_t-i-m-e_s_t_a_m_p.json.

Export-CouchDBDatabase -Database test -Authorization "admin:password"


For import or restore a database from JSON file.

Import-CouchDBDatabase -Database test -Path test_01-25-2019_00_01_00.json -Authorization "admin:password"

And this, for create a new database from JSON file.

Import-CouchDBDatabase -Database test_restored -Path test_01-25-2019_00_01_00.json -RemoveRevision -Authorization "admin:password"

Partition database

To create a partitioned database, we simply run:

New-CouchDBDatabase -Database test -Partition -Authorization "admin:password"