
PSCouchDB module has powershell classes that can be used to construct certain objects.

PSCouchDBQuery class

This class is used to construct a query object that is compatible with Mango core.


bookmark            Property   string bookmark {get;set;}
execution_stats     Property   bool execution_stats {get;set;}
fields              Property   array fields {get;set;}
limit               Property   int limit {get;set;}
r                   Property   int r {get;set;}
selector            Property   hashtable selector {get;set;}
skip                Property   int skip {get;set;}
sort                Property   array sort {get;set;}
stable              Property   bool stable {get;set;}
stale               Property   string stale {get;set;}
update              Property   bool update {get;set;}
use_index           Property   array use_index {get;set;}


AddFields           Method     void AddFields(System.Object fields)
AddIndexies         Method     void AddIndexies(System.Object indexies)
AddLogicalOperator  Method     void AddLogicalOperator(System.Object operator)
AddSelector         Method     void AddSelector(System.Object key, System.Object value)
AddSelectorOperator Method     void AddSelectorOperator(System.Object operator), void AddSelectorOperator(System.Object operator, System.Object key, System.Object value)
AddSortAsc          Method     void AddSortAsc(System.Object selector)
AddSortDesc         Method     void AddSortDesc(System.Object selector)
DisableUpdate       Method     void DisableUpdate()
Equals              Method     bool Equals(System.Object obj)
GetHashCode         Method     int GetHashCode()
GetNativeQuery      Method     string GetNativeQuery()
GetType             Method     type GetType()
RemoveFields        Method     void RemoveFields(), void RemoveFields(System.Object field)
RemoveIndexies      Method     void RemoveIndexies(), void RemoveIndexies(System.Object index)
RemoveSelector      Method     void RemoveSelector(System.Object key)
RemoveSort          Method     void RemoveSort(), void RemoveSort(System.Object sort)
ReplaceSelector     Method     void ReplaceSelector(System.Object key, System.Object value)
SetBookmark         Method     void SetBookmark(System.Object bookmark)
SetExecutionStat    Method     void SetExecutionStat(System.Object bool)
SetLimit            Method     void SetLimit(System.Object limit)
SetReadQuorum       Method     void SetReadQuorum(System.Object r)
SetSkip             Method     void SetSkip(System.Object skip)
SetStable           Method     void SetStable(System.Object bool)
SetStale            Method     void SetStale()
ToString            Method     string ToString()

Build a query

To create a PSCouchDBQuery object, just do the following.

using module PSCouchDB
$query = New-Object -TypeName PSCouchDBQuery

Work with selector

A CouchDB query is interpreted by Mango engine, so must have some elements. Selector is first our element which allows to have a search criterion.

Add selector

To add one selector to object using AddSelector method.

$query.AddSelector('key', 'value')

The search criterion and its exact key and your value. Now, to verify our query, just get the json, with this method GetNativeQuery.


Remove selector

If we were wrong to enter the values, it will be enough to remove them with RemoveSelector and then insert them again.

$query.AddSelector('answer', 42)

Replace selector

Instead if we were wrong to enter only the value of our search key, just do a replace, using the ReplaceSelector method

$query.ReplaceSelector('answer', 43)

Limit and Skip

To limit or skip line of query result, set the values with the appropriate methods, SetLimit and SetSkip.


To remove the set values, just set them to null.

$query.limit = $null
$query.skip = $null


To add a sort criterion, use the AddSortAsc method for ascending and AddSortDesc for the descendant.


To reset the sort, just remove sorting with RemoveSort.



Fields are the values that return from the query. To add them with AddFields.


To remove all fields use RemoveFields.


To remove manually one or more fields.



To configure indexes created previously with New-CouchDBIndex.


To remove all indexes or one.



To set ReadQuorum.


To remove it.

$query.r = $null


To configure bookmarks created previously.


To remove it.

$query.bookmark = $null

Update, Stable and Stale

Update is enabled by default. To disable it.


To re-enabled it.

$query.update = $true

To enable stable.

$query.SetStable($true) #or $query.SetStable(1)

To disable it.

$query.SetStable($false) #or $query.SetStable(0)

stale properties, basically sets update to false and stable to true.


To restore all changes.

$query.update = $true
$query.stable = $false
$query.stale = $null


To return execution statistic, just enable it.

$query.SetExecutionStat($true) #or $query.SetExecutionStat(1)

To disable it.

$query.SetExecutionStat($false) #or $query.SetExecutionStat(0)

Selector Operators

The selector operators that can be used are the following: $lt,$lte,$eq,$ne,$gte,$gt,$exists,$type,$in,$nin,$size,$mod,$regex (see operator table). The method AddSelectorOperator works in two ways: by specifying only the operator, so it will be applied to all the selector; by specifying the selector and the value that you want to associate.


The implicit operator used is $eq. The AddSelectorOperator method append operators at the designated selector.

Find-CouchDBDocuments -Database test -Find $query.GetNativeQuery()

To change operator or restore changes.

$query.ReplaceSelector('answer', 42) #to restore only this
Find-CouchDBDocuments -Database test -Find $query.GetNativeQuery()


With these operators we must also specify the selector we want and its value.

#or apply operator for all selector
Find-CouchDBDocuments -Database test -Find $query.GetNativeQuery()


CouchDB support regular expression (BRE and ERE).


Logical operators

PSCouchDBQuery object support logical operators; these are the allowed operators: $and,$or,$not,$nor,$all,$elemMatch,$allMatch (see logical operator table).


With method AddLogicalOperator logical conditions can be added.

Find-CouchDBDocuments -Database test -Find $query.GetNativeQuery()


With these logical operators, return a single or all matches.

Find-CouchDBDocuments -Database test -Find $query.GetNativeQuery()

Native query format (Mango)

To receive the object in native format (Mango query) use the GetNativeQuery method.

. code-block:: powershell


PSCouchDBDesignDoc class

This class is used to construct a design documents, simple or complex.


lists               Property   hashtable lists {get;set;}
shows               Property   hashtable shows {get;set;}
validate_doc_update Property   string validate_doc_update {get;set;}
views               Property   hashtable views {get;set;}


AddList             Method     void AddList(System.Object name)
AddShow             Method     void AddShow(System.Object name), void AddShow(System.Object name, System.Object key)...
AddValidation       Method     void AddValidation(array requirements), void AddValidation(array requirements, System...
AddView             Method     void AddView(System.Object name), void AddView(System.Object name, System.Object key)...
Equals              Method     bool Equals(System.Object obj)
GetDesignDocuments  Method     string GetDesignDocuments()
GetHashCode         Method     int GetHashCode()
GetType             Method     type GetType()
SetName             Method     void SetName(System.Object name)
ToString            Method     string ToString()

Build a design document

To create a PSCouchDBDesignDoc object, just do the following.

using module PSCouchDB
$ddoc = New-Object -TypeName PSCouchDBDesignDoc

Work with views

Views are the primary tool used for querying and reporting on CouchDB documents. With AddView it is possible to add four types of predefined views.

Simple view


View if document key exists


View if document key exists and your value is value specified


View if document key exists and your value is value specified, and return entire doc


Work with Lists

List functions are used to represent documents in various formats, commonly as HTML pages with nice formatting. Use AddList for add one list or more. List functions they need at least one view.


Work with Shows

With AddShow it is possible to add three types of predefined show function. Only one function is allowed at a time.

Simple show


Show if document key exists

# reset object
$ddoc = New-Object -TypeName PSCouchDBDesignDoc

Show if document key exists and your value is value specified

# reset object
$ddoc = New-Object -TypeName PSCouchDBDesignDoc

Work with validation

A design document may contain a function named validate_doc_update which can be used to prevent invalid or unauthorized document update requests from being stored. Use AddValidation for add one. Only one function is allowed at a time.

#or add also user authorization
#or create ReadOnly CouchDB database

Native design document

To receive the design document in native format use the GetDesignDocuments method.


Create design document

See Create design document.

New-CouchDBDesignDocument -Database test -Document "mydesigndoc" -Data $ddoc.GetDesignDocuments() -Authorization "admin:password"